It’s been awhile since my last blog. We’ve been very busy grazing our pastures and getting through a very hot and rainy summer. Thankfully the cooler weather is coming,, which makes us want to run and “pronk!”
It wasn’t the case a few months ago. The weather was so hot, I got very sick. I was very dizzy and had trouble walking. I felt weak and not hungry, which is weird for me! The vet said I had very bad heatstroke and needed to get out of the heat right away! He gave me some yucky medicine, which they said would help me. He also poked me with something sharp. It only hurt a little bit, so I held back tears. I didn’t want the team to see me cry!
Before I knew what was going on, I was haltered and brought up the hill to the big house. This was the place we all stayed in during the bad storm last year. The humans brought me into a different room that had hay, water and grain in it. I immediately felt cool air blowing on me and it felt great! I still wasn’t hungry, but laid down in front of two fans. Before long the humans returned with clippers and sheared off all my fleece. We aren’t always happy about getting sheared, but we love the end result. If I was feeling better, I would be jumping around, but I settled for laying back down in front of the fans. After awhile I ate a little grain and drank some water. I still felt sick, but I was a little cooler.
Several times a day, the humans gave me medicine and more little pinches. They also brought in towels with smelly stuff that they rubbed under my legs and belly. It felt cool, so I didn’t complain.
After a couple days, I started to feel a little better. I was able to stand and walk around. I looked out the window most of the time and could see our herds in the pastures. I sure missed my friends, even Louie!
One day the humans brought Nico in to visit with me. It was great to see him and we hummed non-stop for an hour. When he left, I felt lonely again, but I knew if I got better I could go back to the herd.
A couple times a day, I got to leave the room and go for walks. It was a different pasture, but it had some cool, sweet grass to graze on. It was yummy and it felt great to stretch my legs. I still felt weak, but I thought I was getting better.
I was very excited one day when they walked me down into the barn to hang out with my team. Nico, Monty and Louie greeted me and we got to graze together. Boy had I missed that! After a couple of hours, I started feeling warm again and was taken back to my new room. The cool breeze felt wonderful, but I missed being outside with the guys.
The next day I was able to go back out and for the next few days, we did the same thing! Each time I was out there, I was getting stronger and not as hot. Every time I went back to my room, I was sad, but I was hoping tomorrow would come fast.
After almost two weeks, my dream came true! This time when I went outside, I could to stay! I was feeling strong and very happy. I was part of my herd again and I was thankful for all the help I received to get better! Thanks for reading this, but I have grazing to get back to. B!