Lately when I am not doing my chores like grazing or being an alpaca, I tend to look over in my mom’s pasture. Not to just look at the cute girls like Coco, Anica, and Penelope, but I actually enjoy watching my little brother, Grayson. He is a few months old now and seems to be doing really well in his training. I haven’t seen his report cards or anything. I can just tell by the way he carries himself. When I was his age, I wasn’t as confident as he seems. There has been a lot going on at the ranch recently, some great and some very sad. The good news is we got to visit Grayson through the fence the other day. We all ran over and got to give some good sniffs on him! I could tell that he is definitely my brother. Monty got to spend time with him and there was a lot of sniffing and kissing. Monty can be a tough guy, but I can tell how in love he is with his son! I’m a tough guy too but having a baby brother has been so exciting. Our little visit was short, but we really got to bond with him. He already knew because mom told him, but I wanted to “officially” tell him that I was his big brother and how excited I was to meet him. I even got to see mom through the fence, which is always awesome. I may not be her baby anymore, but she loves me and always blows me kisses through the fences! When she does that it brings me back to when I was Grayson’s age and that makes me smile. OK, now for some sad news. I hate to write about it, but as an alpaca reporter, I have to share. Snowy one of my mom’s llamas passed away a few months ago. She was very old and weak. Her daughter Sophia took on the role of head of llama security and was doing an amazing job. However, she also got very sick and died. So with both llamas gone, my mom’s team was very nervous, especially while trying to raise Grayson too! Louie had a meeting and next thing we knew Glacier was assigned to work the night shift in the girl’s pasture to protect. Every night he would report to work and the next morning he would come back to our team. We all helped pick up the slack for his daily duties, but he never complained. My mom’s team really slept well knowing Glacier was on the job every night. This went on for several weeks, until …. You guessed it! The trailer left and returned with a new female llama names Chrystal! My mom’s team was very happy, but I think Glacier was also happy so he didn’t have to work double security shits! We could immediately see Chrystal knew her stuff and all the girls worked on a new security plan with her in place! We had Glacier back full time, which we all loved, especially Louie and mom’s team had a new team member. We were all very sad to lose both Snowy and Sophia in a few months time, because they were very nice and extremely good guards. I hope they are watching over Nico in heaven!