Hello again! It has been only a few days since my new brother Grayson was born. The ranch is still buzzing with excitement when we all noticed our ranch trailer was gone. Early this morning it left the ranch and after a few hours away it returned. We all wondered who is on the trailer? Is it a new cute girl to join mom’s team or even better, a new herd mate for us? Yes, we have an amazing team, but we can always use another grazer to the group. We all watched intently as the trailer door opened and out stepped this massive, white Suri llama.
I immediately looked and Louie and could tell he hadn’t been made aware of our new friend. Louie started doing his poof-faced llama face, which when translated means, “who are you and why are you here?”
The new llama was brought to a section next to our barn where he nibbled on hay and grain. After a few sniffs, I confirmed he was indeed a boy. His name is Glacier Ice, and he is as big as an ice mountain. Initially he spit at me, not liking the fact that I was sniffing him, but eventually he settled in and we communicated with each other. He was at another ranch where he guarded alpacas and apparently, we traded for him, so he could join our team. The boys and I were very excited about adding the extra security and muscle. Louie on the other hand, seemed mad and not amused by our new addition! It’s a Llama thing! Louie was talked to by our humans and had a quick huddle meeting with us. He advised us that he was still the boss, and that Glacier was indeed joining the team to help with security. In a day or two, Glacier would be moving in and we would all be getting our assignments. I kept staring at him and was amazed at his size. I found out he was actually only two years old and more than double my size. Sometimes us alpacas dream about being llamas, because they are so much bigger and stronger, but guess what, I am happy to be an alpaca! We all have responsibilities to do in life and mine is to work closely with my team, make sure the pastures are mowed and to be cute! It’s a tough job but someone has to do it! The days went quickly and soon Glacier moved in. He is a quiet guy, but he seems to be a gentle giant! Louie had another meeting with us after speaking with Glacier. Even though Louie wasn’t excited about the new llama, he finally decided he could use the help and delegate some of the guarding responsivities to him! We were excited because it was another big pair of teeth to help graze the grass and based on his size, he could do the work of two or even three alpacas! Plus we will all sleep a little sounder knowing we have another big guard to protect us. Welcome to the team Glacier Ice!